CPP Disability cases start with an application. Here at Meducation Services we take on cases from the very beginning (or the application stage) right until the final level of Appeal, referred to as the Social Security Tribunal or SST.
After the initial application stage, should a request be denied, there is a reconsideration stage at which the first decision can be reconsidered by Service Canada.
Should the application again be denied, the case moves on to the Social Security Tribunal (SST). These hearings can either be resolved with an in person hearing, teleconference or video conference. We again ensure that all medical information is obtained so that Service Canada and the Tribunal has all available evidence to assist them in making a proper decision.
Should the case fail at the Social Security Tribunal – General Division the case then moves on to the Social Security Tribunal – Appeals Division, which is the final level of appeal. These are again, in person hearings, teleconferences or video conferences. Meducation Services prides itself in expert and thorough hearing preparation and representation on behalf of the client and with all cases, we do the work of gathering the evidence and preparing arguments that will be submitted on the client’s behalf, all the while remaining in direct contact with the client.
As with all cases, there are time limits that need to be observed and we strongly urge those unfamiliar with the process to seek proper representation such as the services we offer to ensure that the case(s) move seamlessly throughout all levels of appeal.
There are many specific legal issues that must be met such as the MQP (Minimum Qualifying Period) and the legal definition of severe and prolonged.