Meducation Services is staffed by Paul Sacco and Steven Sacco, Paralegals, licensed by the Law Society of Upper Canada to provide legal services in Ontario. Meducation Services has been representing injured workers in matters relating to Workplace Safety & Insurance Board Claims and Appeals (WSIB and WSIAT) cases since 1994. We provide legal counsel and review in English, Italian and Spanish as well as having expert medical review of your case on site.
Located at the north end of the Greater Toronto Area in Scarborough, Meducation Services Professional Corporation is a private company dedicated to providing legal representation to injured workers or their survivors in cases involving the Workplace Safety & Insurance Board and Workplace Safety & Insurance Appeals Tribunal. (WSIB or WSIAT). We specialize in Appeals Representation for both workplace injury matters and in cases involving Canada Pension Plan Disability.
Meducation Services will represent any injured worker or survivor, whether unionized or not, in any matter in which they feel that they have been unjustly denied benefits or services by the WSIB.
Meducation Services helps injured workers or their survivors by proving information and advice on the WSIB and Appeals Tribunal (WSIAT) process. We also provide full representation to injured workers and survivors at all levels of the WSIB process including Claims, Appeals and at the Appeals Tribunal (WSIAT).
We also provide claims management services to injured workers. This includes the management of WSIB claim files, consulting services with regards to return to work matters, labour market re-entry and all other claims related matters.
As the client’s personal representative, we are able to ensure hassle free claims management and representation in all matters relating to the client’s claim matters with step by step advice and legal representation to maximize benefit entitlement. All these services combined are meant to ensure that the client receives or continues to receive all the benefits and services that they may be entitled to from the WSIB.
In most cases clients do not pay unless a successful outcome is obtained. Every case is unique and therefore every case warrants its own consultation to determine whether or not the prospective client has a case that is worth pursuing.
Law and Policy used by the WSIB is constantly changing. At Meducation Services we take all steps to ensure that workers are not unjustly denied benefits and strive to ensure maximum outcome for their claims.